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$10 TRYOUT Twerk Choreography

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All levels (Mon. Jan. 20 7pm)

45 min
10 Canadian dollars
Espaces des Arts

Service Description

Try Our Twerk Choreography Class for $10! For new participants. Get a taste of our Twerk Choreography class with this 45-minute tryout session. We’ll introduce you to a fun choreography so you can experience what the class is like. Afterward, stay for a 15-minute Q&A. You can even sign up on the spot if you wish! No pressure—just come see if it’s for you! Our Twerk Choreography classes are for all levels and focus on learning a new choreography every 2 weeks. We dance to a variety of genres like rap, hip-hop, reggaeton, dancehall, and pop. While learning the choreographies, we’ll also cover the technique for each move. Some routines will be more booty-focused, while others will incorporate moves from different dance styles. Every choreography offers something new!

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Un essai peut être reporté sans frais 8 heures avant son début, en envoyant un courriel à Passé ce délai, le cours vous sera chargé comme si vous étiez présent. L’essai peut uniquement être reporté à un autre essai à 10$ au courant de la même semaine d’essais à Montréal ou à Brossard. Ce cours ne peut pas être reporté aux cours réguliers de la session. Non valide pour les autres types de services. Pas de remboursements. Non transferrable. En cas de fermeture des studios dû aux restrictions gouvernementales, tu recevras un crédit de la valeur du ou des cours à utiliser lors de la réouverture. /// A trial lesson can be postponed free of charge 8 hours before it starts, by sending an e-mail to After this time, the class will be charged as if you attended it. The trial class can only be rescheduled to another $10 trial class during the same week of trials in Montreal or Brossard. This class cannot be transferred to the session's regular classes. Not valid for other types of services. No refunds. Non-transferable. In case of studio closure due to government restrictions, you will receive a credit of the value of the class to use when studios reopen.

Contact Details

  • 9 St Catherine St E 2e etage, Montreal, Quebec H2X 1K3, Canada

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